Advice for beginners

Advice for beginners

  1. Wash your fabric before sewing to avoid shrinkage.
  2. Work in cotton fabrics like poplin or canvas.
  3. Invest in a basic set of tools. The sewing machine, iron and iron board is essential. Other tools you’ll need include: Sharp scissors, tape measure, pins, a seam ripper and a glue stick or tape to assemble your pages. For jackets and shirts with buttons you need a sewing needle. For pants you need a large safety pin or a bodkin needle (to pull elastic through the casing).
  4. Break down the project into sections.
  5. Print only the size you need to avoid lots of confusing lines. You'll find help to print and assemble your pattern via the links below.
  6. Write to if you have questions or need help.
  7. Follow us on Instagram where sewing videos are posted.